B4A Library SD: Menu (with Animation)

(No WRAP, No Java Only B4A)

is just a swivel guillotine panel that could accommodate a menu but also a panel with all sorts of views.
The RollOut Menu and Side Menu are instead menus as you see in the Third Example. There is also a video in post # 6
TreeMenu (Tree ListView): This class allows you to enter a ListView type menu and clicking each item opens a submenu with its entries (if any) and raises the click event


Version: 0.07
  • GhigliottinaPanel
    • Fields:
      • Panel As Panel
      • View As View
    • Functions:
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Close (Animation As Boolean) As String
      • GetPanelBase As Panel
      • GetPanelMenu As Panel
      • Initialize (EventName As String, Me_CallBack As Object) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • IsOpen As Boolean
      • Open (Animation As Boolean) As String
      • SetMenuButtonDark As String
      • SetMenuButtonLight As String
      • SetPanelColor (Color As Int) As String
      • SetTextMenu (Message As String) As String
      • SetTextMenuColor (Color As Int) As String
  • GhigliottinaView
    • Events:
      • Click
      • LongClick
    • Fields:
      • Panel As Panel
    • Functions:
      • AddPanel (MyPanel As Panel) As String
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Close (Animation As Boolean) As String
      • DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
      • GetPanelBase As Panel
      • GetPanelMenu As Panel
      • Initialize (vCallback As Object, vEventName As String) As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • IsOpen As Boolean
      • Open (Animation As Boolean) As String
      • SetMenuButtonDark As String
      • SetMenuButtonLight As String
      • SetPanelColor (Color As Int) As String
      • SetTextMenu (Message As String) As String
      • SetTextMenuColor (Color As Int) As String
  • MenuTree
    • Events:
      • Click (MenuName As String, ID As String)
    • Fields:
      • BackGroundColor As Int
      • ExpandableList As List
      • ImageCloseMenu As Bitmap
      • ImageOpenMenu As Bitmap
      • LeafColor As Int
      • OpenOneOnlyMenu As Boolean
      • TextColor As Int
      • TreeColor As Int
    • Functions:
      • AddMenuVoice (Name As String, ID As String, Expanded As Boolean) As String
      • AddRoot (Name As String) As String
      • AddSubMenuVoice (Name As String, ID As String, IDMenuVoice As Int) As String
      • Class_Globals As String
      • ClearMenu As String
      • DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
      • GetBase As Panel
      • Initialize (vCallback As Object, vEventName As String) As String
      • Invalidate As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
  • RollOutMenu
    • Events:
      • Click (ID As String)
    • Fields:
      • IsOpen As Boolean
      • TimeAnimation As Int
    • Functions:
      • AddImageButton (Bitmap As Bitmap, ID As String) As String
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Close (Animation As Boolean)
      • GetPanel As Panel
        If you want Add into Panel USE After Initialize
      • Initialize (EventaName As String, Me_CallBack As Object, LeftStick As Boolean, HightWidh As Int) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • Open (Animation As Boolean)
  • SideMenu
    • Events:
      • Click (ID As String)
    • Fields:
      • IsOpen As Boolean
      • TimeAnimation As Int
    • Functions:
      • AddImageButton (Bitmap As Bitmap, ID As String) As String
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Close (Animation As Boolean)
      • GetPanel As Panel
      • Initialize (EventaName As String, Me_CallBack As Object, LeftStick As Boolean, HightWidh As Int) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • Open (Animation As Boolean)
  • Versione02
    Code module
    Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
    • Fields:
      • Demo As Boolean
    • Functions:
      • Process_Globals As String

3.gif 4.png 5.png1.gif 2.gif


  • example1.zip
    7 KB · Views: 992
  • example2.zip
    8.4 KB · Views: 927
  • Example3.zip
    20.9 KB · Views: 904
  • Example4.zip
    8.2 KB · Views: 621
  • SD_Menu 0.07.zip
    39.3 KB · Views: 701
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I suppose it is a very big panel; so I'm thinking that we know that a big image means much ram, but how much "heavy" is a big empty panel?

BTW I have not found a "perfect" method to get the memory used (I saw some code but I get not reliable results, I think).

[Yes, I'm a little bit OT but I don't want open a thread for this question]

[Note: my observation is not strictly related to this menu, it is more general, about panels; we will never have so many menus that will take up too much memory].


Licensed User
Longtime User
The supposition is right, is empty panel, but I do not know the answer

La "supposta" è giusta é un pannello vuoto, ma non conosco la risposta.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I suppose it is a very big panel; so I'm thinking that we know that a big image means much ram, but how much "heavy" is a big empty panel?

BTW I have not found a "perfect" method to get the memory used (I saw some code but I get not reliable results, I think).

[Yes, I'm a little bit OT but I don't want open a thread for this question]

[Note: my observation is not strictly related to this menu, it is more general, about panels; we will never have so many menus that will take up too much memory].
But isn't necessary a big panel.
The rotating panel must be of MaxiDip dimensions, see below
private Sub MaxDip As Int
    Return (Max( GetDeviceLayoutValues.Height, GetDeviceLayoutValues.Width)+10dip)
End Sub

And rotate the panel by choosing the right Pivot point.
See: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/view-utils.39347/
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I extended my Ghigliottina (guillotine) library by adding 2 menus, RollOutMenu and SideMenu. I changed the name in Menu Library

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Licensed User
Longtime User
update: 0.02 You do not have to pass the Activity as an Initialization Parameter.

Download on Post#1


Licensed User
Longtime User


Licensed User
Longtime User
For GhigliottinaPanel
GhigliottinaPanel1.SetTextMenu("My Guillotine Menu")

Activity.AddView(GhigliottinaPanel1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Activity
MyPanel.AddView(GhigliottinaPanel1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Panel

GhigliottinaView use design for Add to Panel or Activity

For SideMenu and RollOutMenu

SideMenu1.View.RemoveView ' Remove from Activity
MyPanel.AddView(SideMenu1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Panel

RollOutMenu1.View.RemoveView ' Remove from Activity
MyPanel.AddView(RollOutMenu1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Panel
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Licensed User
Longtime User
But for SideMenu and RollOutMenu use Version 0.03+ for add to Panel.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
For GhigliottinaPanel
GhigliottinaPanel1.SetTextMenu("My Guillotine Menu")

Activity.AddView(GhigliottinaPanel1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Activity
MyPanel.AddView(GhigliottinaPanel1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Panel

GhigliottinaView use design for Add to Panel or Activity

For SideMenu and RollOutMenu

SideMenu1.View.RemoveView ' Remove from Activity
MyPanel.AddView(SideMenu1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Panel

RollOutMenu1.View.RemoveView ' Remove from Activity
MyPanel.AddView(RollOutMenu1.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' For add to Panel

The example below (example4.zip) do not work
I have noticed:
- line 42 (SM.View.RemoveView) make the pane1 invisible
- line 43 (Panel1.AddView(SM.View,0,0,100%x,100%y) causes a stackoverflowError :
at android.view.viewgroup.resetResolvedLayoutDirection(view group.java:6571)
at android.view.viewgroup.resetResolvedLayoutDirection(view group.java:6572)
at android.view.viewgroup.resetResolvedLayoutDirection(view group.java:6572)


  • exemple-4.zip
    21.5 KB · Views: 457


Licensed User
Longtime User
I modified the method. Use AddToPanel. I tried it and it works. I have also attached the modified template example to the panel.

For i=1 To 5
        SM.AddImageButton(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, I & ".png"),i)

Download rel 0.04 at post#1


  • Example3.zip
    21.7 KB · Views: 438


Licensed User
Longtime User
Update rel 0.05
Add Class MenuTree: This class allows you to enter a ListView type menu and clicking each item opens a submenu with its entries (if any) and raises the click event

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
     Private MenuTree1 As MenuTree
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

   ' If required add image 

   For i=1 To 8
        'Menu Item
        MenuTree1.AddMenuVoice("Item " & i,i,False)
        'Sub Menu Item
        For x=1 To Rnd(2,5)
            MenuTree1.AddSubMenuVoice("Sub " & X, i & x, i )

End Sub

Sub MenuTree1_Click (MenuName As String, ID As String)
    Log(MenuName & "-" & ID)
End Sub
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Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Good morning, I am trying to execute the example3 and I get the following error:
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ToastMessageShow
   at b4a.example.rolloutmenu._initialize(rolloutmenu.java:333)
   at b4a.example.main._activity_create(main.java:403)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
   at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.runMethod(Shell.java:710)
   at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEventImpl(Shell.java:339)
   at anywheresoftware.b4a.shell.Shell.raiseEvent(Shell.java:249)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
   at anywheresoftware.b4a.ShellBA.raiseEvent2(ShellBA.java:139)
   at b4a.example.main.afterFirstLayout(main.java:102)
   at b4a.example.main.access$000(main.java:17)
   at b4a.example.main$WaitForLayout.run(main.java:80)
   at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
   at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
   at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5001)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
   at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:787)
   at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:603)
   at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
** Activity (main) Resume **
How is it solved?

I use version 7.30 of B4A

Thank you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Compiled libraries for version 6.5, with more than 7 versions of this issue.

As soon as I can do I will compile by someone for version 7 and attach this post, hope for the afternoon.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Attached is a version of the library for B4A_7+ on post#1
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