Android Question Simple input dialog with coloured text.

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Currently use this code for a simple inputbox dialog. It uses the Dialogs library, version 4.01:

Sub InputBox(Prompt As String, Title As String, Default As String, Hint As String) As String
 Dim Id As InputDialog
 Dim iRet As Int
 Id.Hint = Hint
 Id.Input = Default
 iRet = Id.Show(Prompt, Title, "OK", "", "Cancel", General.bmpIcon32)
 If iRet = -1 Then
  Return Id.Input
  Return ""
 End If
End Sub

This works all fine, but I need to apply some formatting to the prompt text and for that I would like
to use CSBuilder. The dialogs library doesn't accept Charsequence input though. I want to keep it simple,
so ideally without adding a lot of extra code. So, something along these lines for a simple Msgbox:

Public Sub ShowMsg(strPrompt As String, _
         strTitle As String, _
         iTitleColour As Int, _
         iPromptColour As Int, _
         csPrompt As CSBuilder, _
         bmpIcon As Bitmap, _
         bCancelable As Boolean)
 Dim csTitle As CSBuilder
 'so like optional colour argument
 If iTitleColour = 0 Then
  iTitleColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iPromptColour = 0 Then
  iPromptColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 'so csPrompt is like an optional argument, passing Null works fine
 If csPrompt.IsInitialized = False Then
 End If
 'can pass Null for no icon
 Msgbox2Async(csPrompt, csTitle, "OK", "", "", bmpIcon, bCancelable)
End Sub

Any suggestions what the best/simplest way would be?


RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Got this worked out now and seems to work all well.
Added the ViewsEx library. Added a new layout to my project with a FloatLabeledEditText and
a simple Label, added directly to the Activity.
Then added the following code to my main module:

Sub TestInputBox
 Wait For(InputBox2("", "Title Test", "Hint test", "Default Test", _
        Colors.RGB(0, 0, 160), Colors.RGB(128,128, 128), 0, Null, General.bmpIcon32, True, -1)) _
        Complete (strResult As String)
 General.ShowMsg(strResult, "Inputbox test", 0, 0, Null, General.bmpIcon32, True)
End Sub

Sub fledtInputbox_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
 If fledtInputbox.IsInitialized Then
  Input_Dialog.GetButton(DialogResponse.POSITIVE).Enabled = fledtInputbox.Text.Length > 0
 End If

End Sub

Sub InputBox2(strPrompt As String, _
     strTitle As String, _
     strHint As String, _
     strDefault As String, _
       iPromptColour As Int, _
     iHintColour As Int, _
     iInputColour As Int, _
       csPrompt As CSBuilder, _
       bmpIcon As Bitmap, _
       bCancelable As Boolean, _
     iPromptHeight As Int) As ResumableSub
 Dim csPrompt As CSBuilder
 If iPromptColour = 0 Then
  iPromptColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iHintColour = 0 Then
  iHintColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iInputColour = 0 Then
  iInputColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If csPrompt.IsInitialized = False Then
 End If
 Dim sf As Object = Input_Dialog.ShowAsync(strTitle, "OK", "Cancel", "", bmpIcon, bCancelable)
 Wait For (sf) Dialog_Ready(pnl As Panel)
 fledtInputbox.Hint = strHint
 fledtInputbox.EditText.TextColor = iInputColour
 fledtInputbox.EditText.HintColor = iHintColour

 'as we have the hint, no prompt label may be needed
 If strPrompt.Length > 0 Then
  If iPromptHeight = -1 Then
   lblInputBox.Height = sUtils.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lblInputBox, csPrompt)
   'not sure we need this option, MeasureMultilineTextHeight seems to work well
   lblInputBox.Height = iPromptHeight
  End If
  General.RunLog("InputBox2, lblInputBox.Height: " & lblInputBox.Height)
  Input_Dialog.SetSize(90%x, lblInputBox.Height + 200dip)
  lblInputBox.Text = csPrompt
  Input_Dialog.SetSize(90%x, 200dip)
  lblInputBox.Visible = False
 End If
 If strDefault.Length > 0 Then
  fledtInputbox.Text = strDefault
 End If
 Wait For (sf) Dialog_Result(res As Int)
 If res = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
  Return fledtInputbox.text 'OK button
  Return "" 'Cancel button
 End If
End Sub

Only thing I haven't worked out yet is to alter the formatting of the dialog title text.

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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Any suggestion how I can change the Activity title font?
This (as suggested in the csBuilder tutorial) didn't do anything:
Activity.Title = cs

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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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OK, thanks, will do.


This is the testing code to see if I can alter the title font of the inputbox dialog:

Sub InputBox2(strPrompt As String, _
     strTitle As String, _
     strHint As String, _
     strDefault As String, _
       iPromptColour As Int, _
     iHintColour As Int, _
     iInputColour As Int, _
       csPrompt As CSBuilder, _
       bmpIcon As Bitmap, _
       bCancelable As Boolean, _
     iPromptHeight As Int) As ResumableSub
 Dim csPrompt As CSBuilder
 Dim csTitle As CSBuilder 'just testing
 If iPromptColour = 0 Then
  iPromptColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iHintColour = 0 Then
  iHintColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iInputColour = 0 Then
  iInputColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If csPrompt.IsInitialized = False Then
 End If
 csTitle.Initialize.Size(16).Color(Colors.RGB(255, 0, 0)).Append(strTitle).PopAll 'just testing
 'Dim sf As Object = Input_Dialog.ShowAsync(strTitle, "OK", "Cancel", "", bmpIcon, bCancelable)
 Dim sf As Object = Input_Dialog.ShowAsync(csTitle, "OK", "Cancel", "", bmpIcon, bCancelable) 'just testing
 Wait For (sf) Dialog_Ready(pnl As Panel)
 fledtInputbox.Hint = strHint
 fledtInputbox.EditText.TextColor = iInputColour
 fledtInputbox.EditText.HintColor = iHintColour
 Activity.TitleColor = Colors.RGB(255, 0, 0) 'just testing
 'as we have the hint, no prompt label may be needed
 If strPrompt.Length > 0 Then
  If iPromptHeight = -1 Then
   lblInputBox.Height = sUtils.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lblInputBox, csPrompt) + 20dip
   'not sure we need this option, MeasureMultilineTextHeight seems to work well
   lblInputBox.Height = iPromptHeight
  End If
  General.RunLog("InputBox2, lblInputBox.Height: " & lblInputBox.Height)
  Input_Dialog.SetSize(96%x, lblInputBox.Height  + 200dip)
  lblInputBox.Text = csPrompt
  Input_Dialog.SetSize(96%x, 200dip)
  lblInputBox.Visible = False
 End If
 If strDefault.Length > 0 Then
  fledtInputbox.Text = strDefault
 End If
 Wait For (sf) Dialog_Result(res As Int)
 If res = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
  Return fledtInputbox.text 'OK button
  Return "" 'Cancel button
 End If
End Sub

This doesn't work as the title font is the same, so not red.
So, leaving out all the lines marked as 'just testing (and uncommenting one line) makes no difference.
Probably overlooking something really simple, but can't see it yet.

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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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I don't understand anything. Where is the Activity.Title = cs line?

How is it related to this dialog?

Is this line meant to be setting the title colour?

Dim sf As Object = Input_Dialog.ShowAsync(csTitle, "OK", "Cancel", "", bmpIcon, bCancelable) 'just testing

At work now, but will add Activity.Title = cs and see if that does the title formatting.

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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I don't understand anything. Where is the Activity.Title = cs line?

How is it related to this dialog?

Think have solved this now. Indeed Activity has nil to do with this. Not sure now how I got that in.
Probably because nil was working.

This works nicely:

Sub InputBox2(strPrompt As String, _
     strTitle As String, _
     strHint As String, _
     strDefault As String, _
     iTitleFontSize As Int, _
     iTitleFontColour As Int, _
       iPromptColour As Int, _
     iHintColour As Int, _
     iInputColour As Int, _
       csPrompt As CSBuilder, _
       bmpIcon As Bitmap, _
       bCancelable As Boolean, _
     iPromptHeight As Int) As ResumableSub
 Dim csPrompt As CSBuilder
 Dim csTitle As CSBuilder
 Dim sf As JavaObject
 If iTitleFontColour = 0 Then
  iTitleFontColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iPromptColour = 0 Then
  iPromptColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iHintColour = 0 Then
  iHintColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If iInputColour = 0 Then
  iInputColour = Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0)
 End If
 If csPrompt.IsInitialized = False Then
 End If
 sf = Input_Dialog.ShowAsync(csTitle, "OK", "Cancel", "", bmpIcon, bCancelable)
 sf.RunMethod("setTitle", Array(csTitle))
 Wait For (sf) Dialog_Ready(pnl As Panel)
 fledtInputbox.Hint = strHint
 fledtInputbox.EditText.TextColor = iInputColour
 fledtInputbox.EditText.HintColor = iHintColour
 'as we have the hint, no prompt label may be needed
 If strPrompt.Length > 0 Then
  If iPromptHeight = -1 Then
   lblInputBox.Height = sUtils.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lblInputBox, csPrompt) + 20dip
   'not sure we need this option, MeasureMultilineTextHeight seems to work well
   lblInputBox.Height = iPromptHeight
  End If
  General.RunLog("InputBox2, lblInputBox.Height: " & lblInputBox.Height)
  Input_Dialog.SetSize(96%x, lblInputBox.Height  + 200dip)
  lblInputBox.Text = csPrompt
  Input_Dialog.SetSize(96%x, 200dip)
  lblInputBox.Visible = False
 End If
 If strDefault.Length > 0 Then
  fledtInputbox.Text = strDefault
 End If
 Wait For (sf) Dialog_Result(res As Int)
 If res = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
  Return fledtInputbox.text 'OK button
  Return "" 'Cancel button
 End If
End Sub

This is the line that was needed:
sf.RunMethod("setTitle", Array(csTitle))

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