Waste of time, better to think how to end wars on the world
Let us know when you found a solution - and obtained the power to implement it. And also let us know how you think you will be able to keep those at bay who will hate you and fight you for trying to implement peace on Earth. They might hate you for your good intentions or because they don't trust them. Some might just hate and fight you for having had a great idea that was not theirs. Some might hate you because you try to take the fight away from them, the only thing they know how to do well, the only thing that defines them.
"Better to fight for something than live for nothing. Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more." -- General Patton
History teaches us that waging war is deeply rooted in the human nature - may it be for the gain of power, over ressources and territory or religious and racial beliefs. As long as there are humans, there will always be war in one form (on the battlefield) or another (for example purely economic, but also with devastating effects).
Maybe we as a species will evolve some day beyond that point - but until then, the way we fight wars will evolve right with us, from using the bones of slain animals to crush an enemy's skull over the nuclear bomb, biological weapons, digital and economic warfare and whatever somebody might conceive next that might be able to hurt the enemy du jour.
"Only the dead have seen the end of war." -- Plato
"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." -- George Washington
I will not be around to discuss this any further, simply because it is absolutely futile and one of the next posts will most likely be aggressive and ad hominem (which then only proves the above statements).