B4J Code Snippet [B4J] Scaling Form Controls to new size of Form


sometimes questions get answers --> sometimes creating simple and crazy ideas... but here we are...

Well this question:
made me think how to resizecontrols/scale them to a bigger or smaller form (perhaps for touch screen/tablet windows apps)..

I thought creating this Sub SizeControls(t As Form, width1 As Double, height1 As Double, width2 As Double, height2 As Double)

Need some more edits... hope all you guys help me to create something for all needs

- Need to Getting and Setting Size of Font for every Node
- Need to Extract inside Nodes into Nodes (like old Pane) (i have a pane in example attached that having into buttons) / pane resizing but buttons not...

Have a try - Run and resize form... i got the XUI Views Example Erel created and put it into there to test it...

Last update: 19/11/2021 - 19:51 - Credits @stevel05 (Thanks for help!)

ps: You need to set Horizontal and Vertical Anchor (for your projects) left and top... to work better...


  • XUI Views Example - Scale controls-nodes-scrollzoom-drag.zip
    10.5 KB · Views: 315
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