Android Tutorial Device Owner / TaskLock / Kiosk apps 2017

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there...

a. is it possible to load an app from the kiosk app (that actually) will be the foreground service that will load the kiosk app every min (like Erel said).. ? how ?
b. is it possible to load some app like google maps, IGO, Sygic from kiosk app and how ?



Licensed User
Longtime User
@Erel I ve understand about Intent but my question is someway different...

Actually i want the kiosk app stay alive - so before some posts you said that is better run another app too like a service to run kiosk app... That app will be running before kiosk app ?

Because if it is running after from kiosk app first i must unlock the app and then running the service-sticky-app (will be running the kiosk app)...

So from your post i ve understand will be the second answer - right ?

John Decowski

Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there a way with this method to dock your app on the top while launch another app? Reason being I want to Make an app for my motorcycle with a gauge set on top and nav on bottom ie. google or Waze
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