Well i decided to create a small drawing app...
I ve not decided if will be vector drawing (like corel)
or like Paint (windows paint) - more simple..
But i am in good way - when i will be ready - i ll posted here...
I want to create a FloodFill Tool (heh...) and i was wondering if there is any code ready or someone help...
Found a b4a (from delphi) code...
Found getpixels (erel's post)...
but can't understand the code... at all :-(
FloodFill b4a...
getpixels of erel's
All good - but i can't find a way - or can't think how will be the routine i need :-(
By the way... QuickBasic and GWBASIC had a Paint !!! (was FloodFill) great times !!!
For VB6 had this API...
I ve not decided if will be vector drawing (like corel)
or like Paint (windows paint) - more simple..
But i am in good way - when i will be ready - i ll posted here...
I want to create a FloodFill Tool (heh...) and i was wondering if there is any code ready or someone help...
Found a b4a (from delphi) code...
Found getpixels (erel's post)...
but can't understand the code... at all :-(
FloodFill b4a...
Sub FloodFill (x As Int, y As Int)
Dim BorderColor As Int
Dim PBB (Canvas1.Width,Canvas1.Height) As Byte
Dim dir,b As Byte
Dim x1,y1 As Int
Dim xRange, yRange As Int
Dim ExitNow, NextPixel, PreviousPixel As Boolean
xRange = Canvas1.Width-1
yRange = Canvas1.Height-1
' Set the border colour to black - as used in the sample rectangle bitmap.
BorderColor = fx.Colors.Black
' Load the bitmap info into the array.
For y1 = 0 To yRange
For x1 = 0 To xRange
If Canvas1.Bitmap.GetPixel(x1,y1) = BorderColor Then
PBB(x1,y1) = 64
PBB(x1,y1) = 0
End If
' Fill the edges with the defined border value.
y1 = 0
For x1 = 0 To xRange
PBB(x1,y1) = 64
y1 = yRange
For x1 = 0 To xRange
PBB(x1,y1) = 64
x1 = 0
For y1 = 0 To yRange
PBB(x1,y1) = 64
x1 = xRange
For y1 = 0 To yRange
PBB(x1,y1) = 64
' Set initial states, staring point, and direction.
ExitNow = False
NextPixel = True
PreviousPixel = False
PBB(x,y) = 136
dir = 0
' Do the calcs. Use a loop as the algorith was written using Goto statements which B4A doesn't support.
Do Until ExitNow
' Next Pixel
If NextPixel Then
Select dir
Case 0 : x=x+1
Case 1 : x=x-1
Case 2 : y=y-1
Case 3 : y=y+1
End Select
If Bit.And (PBB(x,y), 192) <> 0 Then
PreviousPixel = True
NextPixel = False
PBB(x,y) = Bit.Or (128, dir) ' record fill + entry-direction
If dir <> 1 Then dir = 0 ' compute Exit direction
NextPixel = True
PreviousPixel = False
End If
End If
' Previous Pixel
If PreviousPixel Then
Select dir
Case 0 : x=x-1
Case 1 : x=x+1
Case 2 : y=y+1
Case 3 : y=y-1
End Select
b = PBB(x,y)
If Bit.And (b,15) = Bit.Xor (dir,1) Then dir=dir+1 ' skip entry directory.
If dir > 3 Then
dir = Bit.And (b, 15)
If dir >= 8 Then
ExitNow = True
PreviousPixel = True
NextPixel= False
End If
PreviousPixel = False
NextPixel= True
End If
End If ' PreviousPixel
' Update the mutable bitmap with the result from the array.
For y1 = 0 To yRange
For x1 = 0 To xRange
If Bit.And (PBB(x1,y1), 128) <> 0 Then
Canvas1.DrawPoint(x1, y1, ccolor) 'drawpoint there is no at b4j can be drawline(x1,y1,x1,y1...)
End If
End Sub
getpixels of erel's
Sub GetPixels (img As Image) As Byte()
Dim jo As JavaObject = img
Dim reader As JavaObject = jo.RunMethod("getPixelReader", Null)
Dim buffer(img.Width * img.Height * 4) As Byte
Dim PixelFormat As JavaObject
Dim width = img.Width, height = img.Height As Int
reader.RunMethod("getPixels", Array(0, 0, width, height, PixelFormat.RunMethod("getByteBgraInstance", Null), _
buffer, 0, width * 4))
Return buffer
End Sub
All good - but i can't find a way - or can't think how will be the routine i need :-(
By the way... QuickBasic and GWBASIC had a Paint !!! (was FloodFill) great times !!!
For VB6 had this API...
The API call used to perform the fill operation is ExtFloodFill, with a VB6 declaration and parameters like so:
Private Declare Function ExtFloodFill Lib "GDI32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long, ByVal wFillType As Long) As Long
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