OMG Is there anyone in Australia Sydney? That I can call for help???

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OMG Is there anyone in Australia Sydney? That I can call for help???
This is doing my head in. I am an old VB6 Enterprise edition programmer, PRE .net. I am copy and pasting snippets of code, nothing works. I am certain I cant follow the structure as it was back in the day to now.

I need to speak one on one with someone please that is fluent in client server apps.
I have an old server handling all the reuests of data at the server end, the clients just connect and say hey give me xyz and the server responds with the data.

I need to be able in b4a, use tcp/ip, data storage, sql or propriety i dont care just as lomg as it works, location and the rest I will pick up later.

Please can anyone help me with a call for about 10mins to 1 hour????



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@RickV Hi there... // you are copying paste snippets // and not working ?

1) First I am not living in Australia... so you can;t call me.. even if you were in Greece, not sure that will help that.
2) I am sure here in forum you can find answers.... but first you need to have time
3) What exactly you want to create - tell us - an example of app ?
4) Did you read some tutorials - run them, read documentation of b4x... or you want just to create an app ?
5) If you are hurry... you can name a price at section Forum Business - and many guys will create the app for you and you will have the source code for your use...

but 1 hour... you can't build an app from "0"... you need to

I am sure that here will find the right way to work with b4x!


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I believe that the job of software developer is the one that best lends itself to tele-something than any other
Also in this forum there are several operators that come from the much loved and never forgotten Microsoft Visual Basic
Furthermore, in a specific forum like this you will be able to find operators from all over the world, some with truly exceptional skills, which you certainly cannot do with a local search
What I mean is to invite you to use this forum to find answers to your questions
Even though personal contact may seem reassuring at first glance, it may not be able to provide all the information that can be gathered in a forum like this
Keep in mind that even Erel, the creator and producer of these environments, often generously answers the most complex questions
And often even the simple indication of the way to follow allows you to avoid great waste of time and energy

Peter Simpson

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Longtime User
I need to be able in b4a, use tcp/ip, data storage, sql or propriety i dont care just as lomg as it works, location and the rest I will pick up later.
G'day Rick,
You've not really explained anything here, what sort of SQL storage engine are you using or you need to use, what exactly are you trying to achieve?

You don't need one to one tuition, you just need one of the following two.
  1. Explain in full in the correct forum thread (B4A, B4J, B4i or B4R) exactly what your situation is and what results you are trying to achieve.
  2. Search the forum with what you believe to be the correct search terms and follow the links.
You don't need a phone call, this forum will have the answers that you're looking for you just need to either explain your situation properly or search the forum with different search terms. already has a wealth of knowledge and code examples for all the IDEs when it comes to using TCP/IP and multiple database engines from MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB (NoSQL) to SQLite plus more.

I know at times that it can be daunting to find answers to your questions on the forum, but the answers will be on here somewhere. If you can't find the answers just ask questions in the correct part of the forum.

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Develop an app in under an hour, nobody said that is my intention however have done in the past.

Now I have read the docos, spent hours and hours on the forum downoading examples, snippets etc. When placing the copued and pasted sample code into the ide the result is errors.

My questions are bettter answered by voice rather than read read read, I wont go into that as it is irrelevant.

You ask for better explanations as to what I want to acheive so here we go..........

My server app sits on my windows server..... listens for con req, accepts and exchanges a handshake with propriety protocol then every 30 seconds sends a data packet .. hey you there listens for a response yes. ALL TCP/IP not UDP

Now, I have finally managed to flule a cpmmection but when trying many many many code samples to pull the data from the socket buffer, all afails. Even no event for data arrival even after trying so many code snippets.
U need a working sample or oir data arrival event putting the data into a string so I can go pull it appart and make a response to send back
The data that flows back and forth is one loing binary string that will be pulled apart at either end.

Oacket data = Header FF05 Datat type 00-FF Data length 0000-FFFF Checksum 0000-FFFF finally the data

When the data is pulled apart dependant on the data type sent / received, data is stored in a database, sewrver end is mysql Android app end, dont care what the storage type is at the moment, just want to get the data from socket dataarrival

Now need to send the same response packet string back to server, The string will be constructed in various parts via various functions and encrypted if required and then a checksum calculated etc etc and wisth to write a global sub called for example SendIt. This would send the data to the server in one line of code at any given point in the app.
Example Sendit data-tto-send

The one on one phone call is to veryfy the exact design / process I should be following. In other words, I have come to the conclusion that U an doing it all wrong haha and should be forgetting everything I already know. My experience is such that the development is done like below

Global module contains all global subs that you use everywhere, functions, string builders, encryption, checksum, transfers and all the comms and database stuff.
Now each form or now activity handles specific tasks.
Problem, is I cant seem to get things working in other forms from a global perspective

Trouble is it feels like things are slapped together and done on the fly with no structure to anything. Sorry to be looking at it like this.

Anyways, that the guts on what I am totally stuck with.



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Now, I have finally managed to flule a cpmmection but when trying many many many code samples to pull the data from the socket buffer, all afails. Even no event for data arrival even after trying so many code snippets.
...propriety protocol.... what is... may be here... we have one way that is compatible with that... ? you ve made a progress... can you upload your code to see - what is doing ?


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Let's take them .... with pieces....

1. the protocol... the way of communication... you thinking ?
2. saving to db... do you need the db ... shared with others or be local like sqlite ?
3. many connections of clients to one server ?


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a good start:


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Longtime User
Let's take them .... with pieces....

1. the protocol... the way of communication... you thinking ?
2. saving to db... do you need the db ... shared with others or be local like sqlite ?
3. many connections of clients to one server ?
nah your getting in too deep now.... or too far ahead.
My server and server app been running since 2006 on win server 2000. Thats all good, I need to make a new client to recieve data, modify and send back.

Now, I fluked a tcpip connection, no idea how but the initializesock is in the starter and the rest in Main. the first activity displayed on startup.

I am now stuffing arpound with a async stream trying to initialize, says expected but matches many many samples and the tool; tip text.
This is an incredibly undesirable way of programing these days. I am old school object orientated.
Really struggling with the new ways as I never adopted

Now once the line with the whole stram stuff is sorted, how does it attacheh to my socket called sock ????

Current line of code is
sub process globals
    Public aStream As AsyncStreams
    Public In() As Byte
    Public Out() As Byte

sub activity create
       aStream.Initialize(In As, Out As, "SockDara")

I really wanna give up


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Longtime User
nah your getting in too deep now.... or too far ahead.
My server and server app been running since 2006 on win server 2000. Thats all good, I need to make a new client to recieve data, modify and send back.

Now, I fluked a tcpip connection, no idea how but the initializesock is in the starter and the rest in Main. the first activity displayed on startup.

I am now stuffing arpound with a async stream trying to initialize, says expected but matches many many samples and the tool; tip text.
This is an incredibly undesirable way of programing these days. I am old school object orientated.
Really struggling with the new ways as I never adopted

Now once the line with the whole stram stuff is sorted, how does it attacheh to my socket called sock ????

Current line of code is
sub process globals
    Public aStream As AsyncStreams
    Public In() As Byte
    Public Out() As Byte

sub activity create
       aStream.Initialize(In As, Out As, "SockDara")

I really wanna give up
before "write" anything else... I must say that I was vb6-lover until ...last 2 years... i am using b4a-b4j (b4x) from 2013... but the last two years decided to never touch again vb6 (only some fixes to old apps)... .... B4X has the "BASIC syntax"... not ofcourse the lovely old-user-interface of vb6... but it's a new programming language (not so new - 12 years old) that is updating (to latest technologies arround us) !

OK you wanna keep your "old" server app... i got it (i am sure you will change it soon)

- The client you want to create it is for Android or for Windows PC ?

---plz check post #8 --- this example/tutorial will help you a lot !


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Longtime User
Furthermore, the server app was written in vb6 enterprise edition sp6. There is 1000's of win xp, win 2k machines using my clients also written in vb6.
I need to rewrite the clients in b4a to run on android tablets and devices.

The protocols were designed to cope with vb's lack of delivery of full data packets and processed the data after seeing the received data was longer than the data length indicator bytes + length of the header.......

I have spent about 6 hours reading more and more on here, the network tutorials etc and more code snips.

I wish there was a wrapped socket like in vb6 ...... winsock with all its events in b4a. I used to build the objects in code in the main module where it was called on the first line in the startup form, created the data objects, sockets and crypto, the forms were just to display and modify data.


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Longtime User
- The client you want to create it is for Android or for Windows PC ?

---plz check post #8 --- this example/tutorial will help you a lot !
the new client app is for android devices and will certainly check it out


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Longtime User
I downloaded both the b4a samples, can load and read the source code fine, It will not install onto Samsung A51 or S2 tablet
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