Well trying to figure where am I wrong...
because I know that I am !!!
1) Well I want to add over the controls in a b4xpage/form new b4xview panels (seems ok)
2) And after a while, i want to remove only them... simple... ??? seems something wrong to me... i remove other b4xviews too... why ?????
Full example here...
(You can see the video too..)
I am adding panels with color Transparent (making Green when move over the mouse)
- after somes secs... for example: searchfield... dissapearing !!! i wanted to remove only the panels added...
because I know that I am !!!
1) Well I want to add over the controls in a b4xpage/form new b4xview panels (seems ok)
For k=0 To B4XTable1.Columns.Size-1
headerpanel.Tag= "headerpanel" & k
Dim cc As B4XTableColumn=B4XTable1.Columns.Get(k)
Root.AddView(headerpanel,leftest,B4XTable1.mBase.Top+41,2,B4XTable1.mBase.Height-60) '+41 for label,search, -60 scrollbar height - can we get those somehow... ?
2) And after a while, i want to remove only them... simple... ??? seems something wrong to me... i remove other b4xviews too... why ?????
If headerpanel.IsInitialized And B4XTable1.IsInitialized Then
For Each v As B4XView In Root.GetAllViewsRecursive'not so right...
Dim t As String=v.Tag
If t.Contains("headerpanel") Then 'hmmm no ? but where are those.... ???
End If
End If
Full example here...
(You can see the video too..)
I am adding panels with color Transparent (making Green when move over the mouse)
- after somes secs... for example: searchfield... dissapearing !!! i wanted to remove only the panels added...