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ProBundle v1.0

For donation >= 30 euros: Protect My App - a PDF guide to protect your application
In this guide, I explain in detail how hackers can decompile your application and change your code. I give advices about what to do and what to avoid. I provide a practical solution to enforce the protection of your assets (images, db, etc.), passwords, and even pieces of critical code.
With this guide, I provide four configuration files for the Proguard tool and an updated version of the BasicLibIDE library, made compatible with the recent versions of B4A and the obfuscated mode. You get also a personal support by email.

It is planned to add ArchiverPlus7z and ArchiverPlusUnrar libraries to the bundle. They will be available only to donors having donated 30 euros or more.
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Licensed User
Longtime User

This is a library for the 7z format that supports compression with the lzma2 method and decompression with deflate, copy, bzip2, lzma and lzma2 methods, decryption but not encryption, and asynchronous execution.

It is an abandoned project as it is too slow to fit my needs. I won't update it and I won't answer to questions about it.

This library should work with B4j as it does not use the Android API.
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Licensed User
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ProBundle v1.01

The new version of ProBundle is available for download. I modified ArchiverPlusZip.

Changelog for ArchiverPlusZip:
- I replaced the event system by a simpler and more efficient system. Only two execution modes now;
- PercentDone is now a float value;
- I renamed ZipResult to ZipResultCode;
- I added a little bit of code to the first demo.


Licensed User
Longtime User
ProBundle v1.02

I added the ArchiverPlusUnRar library to ProBundle and, by the way, I removed the option to get the libraries only for 20 euros as nobody used this option. It is easier for me to manage only one amount of donation.

I also revised the ProtectMyApp guide to remove an useless line in the HelloWorld example due to the new version of ArchiverPlusZip.

I added a Proguard configuration file for libGDX projects.

Note that there's a strange bug in ArchiverPlusUnRar with passwords. I tested a lot of them and I noticed that "1234" failed to decrypt the archive. That works fine with "123" or "12345" but not with "1234". I found that passwords with 4 characters do not work. Go figure. However, a password with 4 characters is too short for security so the problem should not be really annoying.


Licensed User
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ProBundle + ProtectMyApp

A DREAM COME TRUE! Until now, B4A users were unable to protect their app efficiently against curious people and hackers. The Google license verification library is a very weak protection and the obfuscation does not repel most hackers. Fortunately, I offer now two solutions to really secure your code and assets: the ProtectMyApp guide and the MySecureVault guide, with all the libraries and B4A code that you need. No knowledge of C or Java is required, only your donation of 30 euros to support my work.

Changelog of the new versions:
- I edited or added paragraphs in the ProtectMyApp guide between p.13 and p.20 (nothing was removed, just rewritten or extended);
- I moved some functions of the F5Steg library into a native library to increase the opacity of the code and the difficulty to change it;
- The F5Steg library uses now a more complex algorithm to encrypt data, with a random salt;
- I added a guide explaining how to create your own library in C and Java to store sensitive data, with all the necessary code to generate the library.


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LibGDX v1.10

This new version introduces the support of expansion files (when your games are really big) but I didn't test this feature.
I also added the support of collision objects set for each tile in Tiled Map Editor, and 2 demos (one to show how to use libGDX as a transparent view, and the other to show how to create your Box2D objects from the collision objects of TMX files).

Changelog v1.10:
- I fixed several bugs;
- I added the support of expansion files: classes lgZipResourceFile and lgZipEntry, functions lgFiles.SetAPKExpansion and lgFiles.ExpansionFile (untested);
- I added a HashCode function to all lg...Array classes;
- I added a dozen of predefined colors to lgColor;
- I added the "raw_y" property to lgMapObjects;
- I added the grow, growX and growY functions to lgScn2DTableCell;
- I added the lerpAngle and lerpAngleDeg functions to lgMathUtils;
- I improved Atan2 in lgMathUtils;
- the collision objects of TMX tiles are now accessible via the Objects property of lgMapAnimatedTiledMapTile and lgMapStaticTiledMapTile;
- I added two new examples: Progression and Map_Box2D;
- I updated the manifest of most examples and templates.


Licensed User
Longtime User
ProBundle v1.05

In this new version, I added a class to detect blocking of the main thread before the OS throws an ApplicationNotResponding error and I improved the serialization class of DataCollection (I removed the limitations for Maps and SparseArrays, I added functions to compress the byte array, I added the support of user defined types and of a few other objects, I reduced the size of arrays and I improved the conversion speed).

WARNING: byte arrays produced with the former version of the dcCollectionSerializer class are not compatible with this new version. I had to make important changes and it was not possible to keep the previous format.

- I added the ANRWatchDog class to ErrorDetection to detect ApplicationNotResponding errors before they are thrown by the OS;
- I added a demo project to ErrorDetection;
- I improved the serialization class of DataCollection and added new functions to compress the resulting array of bytes;
- I made an internal change to ArchiverPlusZip (you should not notice any change).
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