B4J Question [ABMaterial] Text Input with more complicated Autocomplete (with a database+table) - how to do that ?


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Hi there...

I am trying to use ABMaterial Input with more complicated autocomplete - i don't know if there is something like that ready or i must use 2-3 controls to do that...

I want an input field (when typing into it someting) searching with sql query a database table at all fields (for example, product name, notes of product, avail.quantity, price)... and at the same time showing a drop down List-Table with results and all fields of database +and+ selecting a row of it ---> complete other inputs-fields on page...

Somekind a simple Invoice...

Thanks in advance...


Licensed User
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...sure... hope that helps:

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What I would do is:

Button - Add Product (clicked)
Show ModalSheet - with 3 rows, 1 - ABMInput for text searching, 2 - ABMTable for populating search string, 3 - Qty of selected product.
The OK or Cancel of modalsheet would add a new product selected.

What I think you show here is a ABMTable with in-line editing that pops another grid with products found. Although maybe possible, it would be quite complicated using compound containers.

Perhaps others have suggestions.
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Licensed User
Longtime User

modal form why not... can i have an example with all these... searching in db - how will be.. is it possible

ABMTable... with in-line editing... well not needed... because it can be with adding fields... but i will have that in mind too...

Thanks for help !
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Well-Known Member
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We have written a LOT of searches with multiple option fields for the search search (large database ie frequently > 100,000). Tried and tried to make it automatic but we always come back to a "FILTER" button. otherwise it is too confusing for the user and too much traffic for the server.
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