B4A Class [B4X] PDF Generator - B4X Cross Platform - Class 100% B4X Code


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This library doesn't support all colorspace in PNG image. (see post #10)

I understand that, so there is no solution to be able to download an image and add into the PDF?



I've found a workaround for adding images to a PDF document. My app captures signatures and then adds them on a PDF that I'm generating using the cPDF class. My signatures are captures with colorspace = 6 value and I couldn't see them in my PDF. When I use IrFax to change colorspace value to 2, as recommended in one of the posts it worked. However, to programmatically change was a challenge. So what I did is I converted my signature PNG image to JPEG and back to PNG, using the ConvertImage library.

Convert PNG image to JPEG and back to PNG:
'convert to JPEG
    Dim Bitmap1 As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirInternal, "signtest.png")
    Dim SavePathAndFileName As String = File.Combine(File.DirInternal, "signtest_JPG_conv.jpg")
    ConvertImage1.ConvertBitmapToFile(Bitmap1, SavePathAndFileName, ConvertImage1.TO_JPEG, 100)
    Log("signature.png converted to signature_JPG_conv.jpg")

    'convert to PNG
    Dim Bitmap1 As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirInternal, "signtest_JPG_conv.jpg")
    Dim SavePathAndFileName As String = File.Combine(File.DirInternal, "signtest_PNG_conv.png")
    ConvertImage1.ConvertBitmapToFile(Bitmap1, SavePathAndFileName, ConvertImage1.TO_PNG, 100)
    Log("signature.png converted back to signature_PNG_conv.png")


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The class is updated in post #1 (version 0.5). it's support all image format loadable with xui.loadbitmap.



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PDF standards font (Courier, Helvetica, Times, Symbol and Zapfdingbats), style (Normal, Bold, Italic, Underline and StrikeThrough), encoding cp1252
I hope this class can support unicode or utf8 encoding with Chinese standard fonts such as STHeitiSC-Light and AdobeMingStd-Light in the future.
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