Israel may be reaching herd immunity

Peter Simpson

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This has just popped up in my Google news feed. Lets hope that this leading doctor is correct about herd immunity, as we all need to hear some good news about this epidemic.

I found the chart on the page a nice visual aid.

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Yes it's good news but when you read such news you have to ask if it's part of the ongoing campaign to vaccinate. In Ireland, Denmark and Norway the infection went down to lower level than in Israel after they vaccinated only 10%.
Hopefully we did reach herd immunity like some experts predicted that this virus will go away like all viruses did in the past. They even say that other vaccines in the past didn't save us, all plagues ended in herd immunity.
The real plague this time is the lockdown, it will go away after people will realize what is going on.


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Here in Israel, everything is open. People go to shopping centers, restaurants, etc...
From the coming Sunday, we also won't need to carry masks in open areas anymore. We definitely start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel :)

i just read that in EU they stopped the vaccine program of AstraZeneca. I don't understand how they missed the opportunity to buy vaccine from Pfizer and Moderna as we did.
really sad!

Peter Simpson

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I don't understand how they missed the opportunity to buy vaccine from Pfizer and Moderna as we did.
It's not difficult, really it's not...

Anyway, I've received my First AstraZeneca vaccination. Guess what, I've not grown any extra arms or legs ?

UK stats as of yesterday (14th April 2021)
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Was is dann die bessere Wahl? Ein Versuchskaninchen zu sein und den Virus tragen? oder auf die Wissenschaftler zu trauen und zumidenst eine Ahnung zu haben was du erhealst. Weisst du was fuer Nebenwirkungen der VIrus hat? Ich rede nicht davon dass ueber 3 milionen Menschen gestorben sind. Ich kenne viele Leute die den Virus erhalten haben und heute sehr leiden. SIe wuenschen sie hatten die Impfung genommen. Diese Pädagogik nutzt keinem.

WIr koennen dank der Impfung Heute normal leben und andere in der Welt sterben und verlieren ihren Einkommen. Traurig dass Leute es nicht einsehen. Wir leben jetzt in der Geschichte. Genau wie die Leute in der Spanische Pendamie und vielle andere geschichtliche Ereignisse. In der Zukunft werden Leute ueber diese Zeit lesen und nicht begreiffen wie wir mit der ganzen Technik die wir haben diese Pandemie gemanaged haben. EU wird dafuer sehr teuer bezahlen, schau dir nur diese Zahlen an:

glaubst du dass das in Ordnung ist??


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Yes, we Germans talk too much and have no real plan. What should go wrong if you outsource >90% of all medicine production to other countries or giving away critical infrastructure to companies?
...and "we" Greeks... all we do is just wait Germans - to tell us - what to do :)


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...and "we" Greeks... all we do is just wait Germans - to tell us - what to do :)

not like Austria and Denmark


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Here in Italy something similar is happening.
For various reasons, also the fault of the European Community (but 75% of Italian governments and the organization of the State / Regions) we are clearly behind with vaccinations.

Despite this, from the 14th, gradually, many restrictions will be eliminated. Since I am an optimist by nature, I know perfectly well that in June we will have at least 1,000 deaths a day!


Peter Simpson

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Was is dann die bessere Wahl? Ein Versuchskaninchen zu sein und den Virus tragen? oder auf die Wissenschaftler zu trauen und zumidenst eine Ahnung zu haben was du erhealst. Weisst du was fuer Nebenwirkungen der VIrus hat? Ich rede nicht davon dass ueber 3 milionen Menschen gestorben sind. Ich kenne viele Leute die den Virus erhalten haben und heute sehr leiden. SIe wuenschen sie hatten die Impfung genommen. Diese Pädagogik nutzt keinem.

WIr koennen dank der Impfung Heute normal leben und andere in der Welt sterben und verlieren ihren Einkommen. Traurig dass Leute es nicht einsehen. Wir leben jetzt in der Geschichte. Genau wie die Leute in der Spanische Pendamie und vielle andere geschichtliche Ereignisse. In der Zukunft werden Leute ueber diese Zeit lesen und nicht begreiffen wie wir mit der ganzen Technik die wir haben diese Pandemie gemanaged haben. EU wird dafuer sehr teuer bezahlen, schau dir nur diese Zahlen an:

glaubst du dass das in Ordnung ist??

@ilan @ilan @ilan, thank you Google translate ;)

Then what is the better choice? To be a guinea pig and carry the virus? or to trust the scientists and at least have an idea of what you are getting. Do you know what side effects the VIrus has? I'm not talking about over 3 million people have died. I know a lot of people who received the virus and are now suffering a lot. You wish you had taken the vaccination. This pedagogy is of no use to anyone.

Thanks to the vaccination, we can live normally today and others in the world die and lose their income. Sad that people don't see it. We are now living in history. Just like the people of the Spanish Pendamie and many other historical events. In the future, people will read about this time and not understand how we managed this pandemic with all the technology we have. EU will pay very dearly for this, just look at these numbers:

do you think that's okay?


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Es ist wirklich traurig und erschreckend immer wieder zu lesen, dass sich so viele Leute freiwillig als Versuchskaninchen Bereitsstellen für ein Medikament in beta-fase und dann auch noch Jubeln.

It's really sad and frightening again and again to read that so many people volunteer as a trial canbar for a drug in beta-chamfer and then also cheer.
For you it's easy to talk against, look how well you are protected from the virus!


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Here in Italy something similar is happening.
For various reasons, also the fault of the European Community (but 75% of Italian governments and the organization of the State / Regions) we are clearly behind with vaccinations.

Despite this, from the 14th, gradually, many restrictions will be eliminated. Since I am an optimist by nature, I know perfectly well that in June we will have at least 1,000 deaths a day!
I thought that the Italians believe that life without risks doesn't worth living. I've heard that for most Italians Russian Roulette is a boring game. ;)