Wish Load B4XPages into tabs (TabPane)...


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Well, I would like to see at the future... hope soon ! the option loading a b4xpage into a tabpane... or form mdi childs... how difficult can be that ?

ps: I think is something java not leaving us to have it... but any tip/trick will be helpful...


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Longtime User
I think that the wish of Magma perhaps could be understood as "it would be nice to be able to specify a pane(l) to use as root for B4XPages, and not have B4XPages use the full activity as root".

Sorry if I misunderstood.


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Longtime User
More specific in a b4xpage may be you are loading a layout with objects named button1, button2, button3... and loading them in different form... because of their nature (b4xpage)...

But in same form if you have tabpanes (panels too) you must have different layouts, and names for them, for their events... routines and a way to know every control-object...

- Wouldnt be easier if tabpanes were b4xpages too and in same form!!!... ? reusing a b4xpage... simple and fast...
- Also will be to easy create then mdi-child like forms... (will simple panes) and will be easy to create any style for them too...


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Longtime User
Ofcourse if that -would- be possible... will be easy to load .jar into panes... or specific .jar...

am i asking too much ? ///hope not having only 3 wishes

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