Hi guys... the government and tax authorities want to connect ERP to POS and of course they have a declaration of compliance...
all these must be done from 10/4 ~ 15/5... Yes... we need to be sure 100% that all EFT-POS of our market will connect with our ERP's !!! - funny? not so... but if not do that all customers of small companies will go to big companies ! This is our country...
Also there is no API availiable (no example - exactly) - how will do that... for sure is not something completed... some companies of EFT-POS only have Cloud APIs that offer their Docs... and some will go with Common API TCP v3 (that is the name - but nothing to know more)
For the History: Before 2 months all known ECRs (cashiers) in Greece must connected with EFT-POS - well until now - the 30% is only real connected and working... That's because of the same API described before...
So tried 3-4 different ways to connected... at Common API TCP v3 - because CLOUD API is totally different for every EFT-POS Company !!! :-(
But yet nothing - i am attaching the links and some files found from EFT-POS companies providing some info but they are in total-chaos and not sharing much... if someone can understand something will be helpful... if I can make it - I am gonna make it Open-Source and Command-Line utility to help all Developers (because this needed and for companies/programmers from other countries selling ERPs-Invoicing programs to Greece) - so i think is an opportunity to make B4X bigger.. and ofcourse help me again one more time
Links with INFO for ECRs and ERPs<>EFT-POS (AADE is our Tax Authorities, like IRS)
ofcourse all in Greek - only some notes in English... :-(
GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: Here some extra - that can help...
What I ve understand until know for Common API TCP v3 - How it works..
1) First EFT-POS - if enabled for using at AADE (and lock keybord of POS - yes thats right) - will automatically get with VAT/TAX-info of user a "MasterKey" needed for Security - an AES key...
2) ECR's having a serial number and VAT/TAX-Info so enabling AADE - will get a "Masterkey" (AES - to encode requests and responses) needed to communicate with any EFT-POS locally (local lan) and send to it the amount for transactions.. But for ERPs.. no serial number - so this is a problem not explained by AADE ! - yet !
3) after that EFT-POS can't connected with other ERP or ECR the same time... and all transactions must come with requests from ERP-ECR
What is missing from all that - the most important - what not shared public (yet-13/4/2024)
is the whole procedure-API and a SandBox to get those masterkeys for Demo Apps from the side of ERPs (for EFT-POS - Softpos... viva has a demo apk and at xls in Google Drive Link added there is an eft-pos emulator - that may be not need to encode data to test... maybe)
* * * ERPs.. not having serial number at TAX Authorities - so this is a problem not explained by AADE ! - yet !
The main problem as you understand is the TIME (not possible to do all that until 17/5/2024) and also the LITTLE information coming from AUTHORITIES
Tried to use websocketclient v2 with eft-pos emulator - but not having any luck... actually not sure if i must use websocket - that's why created this question - to figure what to use... and then analyse it more... if someone want...
...Not having luck yet... tried also post (at httpjob, json, xml, text) - nothing...
Hi guys... the government and tax authorities want to connect ERP to POS and of course they have a declaration of compliance...
all these must be done from 10/4 ~ 15/5... Yes... we need to be sure 100% that all EFT-POS of our market will connect with our ERP's !!! - funny? not so... but if not do that all customers of small companies will go to big companies ! This is our country...
Also there is no API availiable (no example - exactly) - how will do that... for sure is not something completed... some companies of EFT-POS only have Cloud APIs that offer their Docs... and some will go with Common API TCP v3 (that is the name - but nothing to know more)
For the History: Before 2 months all known ECRs (cashiers) in Greece must connected with EFT-POS - well until now - the 30% is only real connected and working... That's because of the same API described before...
So tried 3-4 different ways to connected... at Common API TCP v3 - because CLOUD API is totally different for every EFT-POS Company !!! :-(
But yet nothing - i am attaching the links and some files found from EFT-POS companies providing some info but they are in total-chaos and not sharing much... if someone can understand something will be helpful... if I can make it - I am gonna make it Open-Source and Command-Line utility to help all Developers (because this needed and for companies/programmers from other countries selling ERPs-Invoicing programs to Greece) - so i think is an opportunity to make B4X bigger.. and ofcourse help me again one more time
Links with INFO for ECRs and ERPs<>EFT-POS (AADE is our Tax Authorities, like IRS)
ofcourse all in Greek - only some notes in English... :-(
GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: Here some extra - that can help...
What I ve understand until know for Common API TCP v3 - How it works..
1) First EFT-POS - if enabled for using at AADE (and lock keybord of POS - yes thats right) - will automatically get with VAT/TAX-info of user a "MasterKey" needed for Security - an AES key...
2) ECR's having a serial number and VAT/TAX-Info so enabling AADE - will get a "Masterkey" (AES - to encode requests and responses) needed to communicate with any EFT-POS locally (local lan) and send to it the amount for transactions.. But for ERPs.. no serial number - so this is a problem not explained by AADE ! - yet !
3) after that EFT-POS can't connected with other ERP or ECR the same time... and all transactions must come with requests from ERP-ECR
What is missing from all that - the most important - what not shared public (yet-13/4/2024)
is the whole procedure-API and a SandBox to get those masterkeys for Demo Apps from the side of ERPs (for EFT-POS - Softpos... viva has a demo apk and at xls in Google Drive Link added there is an eft-pos emulator - that may be not need to encode data to test... maybe)
* * * ERPs.. not having serial number at TAX Authorities - so this is a problem not explained by AADE ! - yet !
The main problem as you understand is the TIME (not possible to do all that until 17/5/2024) and also the LITTLE information coming from AUTHORITIES
Tried to use websocketclient v2 with eft-pos emulator - but not having any luck... actually not sure if i must use websocket - that's why created this question - to figure what to use... and then analyse it more... if someone want...
'those at at main - not sure if needed:
#AdditionalJar: jserver/jetty-webapp-11.0.9.jar
#PackagerProperty: AdditionalModuleInfoString = provides org.slf4j.spi.SLF4JServiceProvider with org.eclipse.jetty.logging.JettyLoggingServiceProvider;
#PackagerProperty: IncludedModules = jdk.charsets, jdk.crypto.ec
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
'accept all trust manager
Wait For ws_Connected
End Sub
'You can see the list of page related events in the B4XPagesManager object. The event name is B4XPage.
Private Sub Button1_Click
End Sub
Sub ws_Closed (Reason As String)
Log("closed: " & Reason)
End Sub
Sub ws_TextMessage (Message As String)
Log("message: " & Message)
End Sub
Private Sub SetAcceptAll (WebSocket As WebSocketClient)
Dim ssl As JavaObject
ssl.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.Client", Array(True))
Dim ClientConnector As JavaObject
ClientConnector.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.io.ClientConnector", Null)
ClientConnector.RunMethod("setSslContextFactory", Array(ssl))
Dim Infos As JavaObject
Infos.InitializeArray("org.eclipse.jetty.io.ClientConnectionFactory$Info", Array())
Dim HttpTransport As JavaObject
HttpTransport.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.client.dynamic.HttpClientTransportDynamic", Array(ClientConnector, Infos))
Dim HttpClient As JavaObject
HttpClient.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient", Array(HttpTransport))
Dim jo As JavaObject = WebSocket
Dim wsc As JavaObject
wsc.InitializeNewInstance("org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client.WebSocketClient", Array(HttpClient))
jo.SetField("wsc", wsc)
End Sub
...Not having luck yet... tried also post (at httpjob, json, xml, text) - nothing...