iOS Question [B4X] BLE refresh available Services and Characteristics - Missing Feature?


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Hi everyone, I noticed an important missing feature in the BLE library.
It seems to not be possibile to refresh the ServiceList, given the fact that the only place where you can get it is in the "Connected" event....

I'have a BLE Device that exposes a Service only after you complete a procedure... how can I get the updated ServiceList after that?
I need to understand it both for iOS and Android.

(for testing purposes I use the "nRF Connect" Nordic App on Android, and it has the "refresh services" button)

Thanks in advance


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Not sure. Worth trying with a third party BLE app and see whether it detects the new service.
There is not a single app on the App Store that gives the user the ability to refresh the services, I tried at least 5 of them
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Might be an iOS limitation
Could be

The code I posted does try to rescan the services.
Yes, in fact there is too much mystery around this...

Until I figure out how to use the BLE's "Service Changed" with ESP32, this thing is not usable.
But I would be very curious to test your code.

Unfortunately this is not the right place for this topic (ESP32).
If I ever find a solution I will update this thread.

For now, thank you very much for your support and patience
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