Wish Claytons Methodical Inheritance


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I am forever using classes that are missing a method or two that I then have to separately implement and use differently to those provided by the class.

So I'm thinking, what about a class module named [type/class]+[description] eg String+LeftRightAndMaybeMore to add extra methods to type/class String, like:

Public Sub Left(N As Int) As String
    If N <= 0 Then
        Return ""
        Dim S As String = Me    'or whatever it takes to get a hold on the String object that this method is being applied to
        If N >= S.Length Then
            Return S
            Return S.SubString2(S, 0, N)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub Right(N As Int) As String
    If N <= 0 Then
        Return ""
        Dim S As String = Me
        If N >= S.Length Then
            Return S
            Return S.SubString(S.Length - N)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub ToCharArray As Char()
    Dim S As String = Me

    Dim bc as ByteConverter
    return bc.ToChars(S)
End Sub

Public Sub ToProperCase As String
    Dim S As String = Me

    Dim C() As Char = S.ToLowerCase.ToCharArray

    Dim UpperNext As Boolean = True
    For I = 0 to C.Length - 1
        If C(I).IsLetter Then
            If UpperNext Then
                C(I) = C(I).ToUpperCase
            End If
            UpperNext = False
            UpperNext = True
        End If

    Return C.ToString    'per class file CharArray+ToStringAndMore
End Sub

which you could then use just like all the other regular String methods eg:

    Log("noW iS thE timE foR alL gooD meN tO comE tO thE aID oF thE partY".Left(15).ToProperCase)    'Now Is The Time

without trying to remember heck, is that a built-in function or do I have to dim and prefix it with a dummy object of StringUtils or ByteConverter or StringFunctions ???

Anyway, back to that poker game Optical Card Recognition challenge... 🤫
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