Share My Creation BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Isiketshi (Sketch)

Hi there


What is BVAD3 Isiketshi?

Isiketshi is an African Xhosa word that means Sketch. The purpose of Isiketshi is that "anyone who wants to", to be able to create prototypes of their forms. As a BVAD3 creator, you want to experience a look and feel of your forms in real time.

This is mainly useful for an app designer, you create a form and add the various input elements in it.

To add input elements, one uses the menu (after selecting a form to add to) and then specify the attributes of that input element in the property bag.

We have tooltips that enable you to see which element to add to your form.


Get yourself the Isiketshi WebApp for a small donation of $9.99. Generate your prototypes and extract their images to your design docs for your next awesome BVAD3 Web Application. You can do that with

PS: Unfortunately Isiketshi DOES NOT generate source code.

Features of the app

1. A treeview with multi-button icons to add, edit, delete children
2. A property bag
3. Saving of prototypes to BANanoSQL database
4. Dynamic Form viewer

Thanks in advance for your support!

Kind Regards



  • BVAD3Isiketshi.png
    109.8 KB · Views: 253
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there... can i ask something... the Isiketshi that runs on netlify... is a form designer... right?...

is it only a demo to check how to add controls at the form ?

On the version-you are selling is it creating a file that we can use it at our web-app somehow ? - at the same time creating the form/creates and table in a db ?

Thanks for your answers!!!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ahh sorry didn't see the "PS".. so it is only the source-code of the form-generator ? but without having the feature of saving the result... but it's up to user-developer to do it - if he wants...right ?

I am sorry... didn;t know about those terms and conditions... so forgetting that..
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is really interesting.
But it has two big limitations.
1) You said it yourself, you can only use it for presentations and then you have to do it all over again
PS: Unfortunately Isiketshi DOES NOT generate source code.
2) you cannot divide by columns. Some views may be distributed across multiple columns in the same row. Here it does not allow it and it is very limiting