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- Long hex literal numbers: 0xff00ff00ff00
- New methods: Bit.OrLong / AndLong / XorLong / ShiftLeftLong / ShiftRightLong / NotLong / UnsignedShiftRightLong / ParseLong
- Fix the "incompatible types" warning with the relatively new Json type.
- Json.ToCompactString method.
- Several debugger fixes: crash on startup, missed assignments in some cases, single field objects were not always observable.
- Code editor jumps to a sub when adding an event with the designer, including when the sub already exists.
- LogColor and "jump to line" feature:
- SimpleMediaManager (v1.08) is included as an internal library.
- Updated internal libraries: jCore (9.30), Json (1.21), B4XPreferencesDialog (1.74), BCTextEngine (1.92), XUI Views (2.53), KeyValueStore (2.31), jRandomAccessFile (2.34)
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements.