@Peter Simpson Amiga, tracker music 8bit (old days ATARI ST was having better sound quality). how was the file format? .xt xt3 xt8 ... can't remember :-( but in real i was trying with qbasic/quickbasic too (v4.5 Better version for me) to make my demos... i was kid ...12 years old. i think...
BLOAD "" was loading clips (memory clips) and
bsave command (for saving memory clips, pictures also)-- do you remember ???.... the limits of 64Kb for arrays....
pset for making stars

and ofcourse a lot of maths
...CGA 4 colors, Hercules 2 colors but better resolutions, EGA 16colors,... and at the end VGA... with 256colors what a virgin journey... those old days you were happy with 5.25 floppy disks and 3.5" 1.44MB was EXCELLENT (there was format/compression utility doubles that disks).... also Norton Commander and Norton Disk Doctor what tools.. DR-DOS qmem, qmu... lost in time /// internet with 56 kbps at max... always was 28Kbps.. what a beautiful analog sounds...
Days that viruses copied hand by hand... not through internet... by sharing disks
now Assembly guys in Finland making under 1KB DEMOS that are 2000000 better (at least)..
all about is... maths